ICL Workshop  05

How to Use Microblogging in Education

Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck


Microblogging is the Web2.0 technology with the most important impact in 2009, having applications in many domains, including education. On a microblogging platform, users can send and receive messages via the web, by SMS, instant messaging clients, and by third party applications; the most known platform is Twitter.
During the workshop, the participants will become familiar with a few microblogging platforms such as Twitter, Identi.ca, Yammer, Plurk, Edmodo, Shoutem, Cirip.eu, etc, and with their possible uses in education.
After the conference, those who are interested, will participate in a communities of practice hosted by Cirip.eu, a microblogging platform specially designed for education.


Possible uses of microblogging in education, which will be discussed:

1        Classroom community: Communication on microblogs enhances traditional courses, exploring the potential of microblogging in formal and informal settings: students discuss different kinds of asynchronous online discourse, considering voice, purpose, audience, to organize ideas, reflect, send notes, manage meet-ups, serendipitous discovery etc.

2        Exploring collaborative writing: Microblogging promotes writing as a fun activity, it fosters editing skills, develop literacy skills; it can give our students a chance to record their cognitive trails and then use them to reflect on their work.

3        Collaboration across schools, universities, countries: Pupils, students, teachers share their experience, learning socially.

4        Project Management: Groups are set up o Cirip.eu for projects working, notes can be picked up on cell phones, as SMS, and so is no need to be online in order to communicate with your colleagues.

5        A tool for assessing opinion, examining consensus, looking for outlying ideas, fostering interaction about a given topic.

6        A viable platform for metacognition (the practice of thinking about and reflecting on your learning) has been shown to benefit comprehension and retention.

7        Conference or as part of a conference or workshop: Dedicated groups provide a simple way for attendees at a conference to share thoughts, to publish and discuss presentations with others at the event and those unable to attend; they are also useful for further reflections.

8        Each user can build her/his Personal Learning Environment / Personal Learning Network (PLN), which contains – the last three for Cirip.eu:

·         connections with the followed users,

·         groups in which the user participates, on topics she/he is interested

·         feeds provided by sites/blogs/social networks and search feeds on different topics,

·         social networks which provide the multimedia objects embedded by platform.

9        Reference services (in libraries): People could monitor and communicate with dedicated accounts to learn about library events, new books, or get responses to library user questions.

10    Online courses: Entire online courses for formal and informal education are run on the Cirip.eu platform, using the private groups facilities:

·         Announcements (Group News): the moderators can post notes and useful materials as SCORM/LOM objects for the group activities.

·         The discussions on the proposed themes are realized through messages sent by the participants in the group space.

·         Live video / audio messages, multimedia objects/presentations/files embedded in notes; they become part of the communication flow.

·         Students learn how to find/use/create educational resources on the corresponding social networks. Their digital skills are improved, and their PLEs/PLNs are enlarged with these networks too.


Target group:

The workshop is addressed to teachers, trainers, who are interested in social learning, in using Web2.0 technologies in education.

The Presenters:

Carmen Holotescu
, Manager TimSoft, Lecturer, Faculty of CS, Politehnica University Timisoara

Gabriela Grosseck, Senior lecturer Ph.D, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, University of the West Timisoara