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Will be available in time. Please continue to check this website for updates.

Uriel Cukierman
UTN, Argentina

Are the Engineering Professors Prepared to Teach Engineering?

Engineering faculty members, particularly those responsible for subjects directly related to the profession, are often engineering professionals with little or no pedagogical training. In recent years, driven by the requirements of accreditation processes, many schools have developed faculty training programs. However, changes in teaching practices have been minimal. This situation negatively impacts the quality of learning and, even worse, retention rates, due to the frustration it causes students. This presentation will showcase the results of international research on these issues and explore potential solutions moving forward.

The Speaker

Photo of Uriel CukiermanElectronic Engineer by UTN (Argentina), M.Sc. in Information Technologies by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and PhD in Education by UBA (Argentina). Professor and Researcher and Director of the Center for Educational Research and Innovation at UTN. Member of the Executive Committee and Senior Member of IGIP (International Society for Engineering Pedagogy). Member of Institute of Education in Engineering, National Academy of Engineering. Associate Director of InnovaHiEd. Former President of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES). Honorary Professor at Universidad Ricardo Palma (Perú). IEOM Distinguished Educator Award (EUA). IGIP International Engineering Educator Award (Austria). IFEES Duncan Fraser Global Award for Excellence in Engineering Education.

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Dana Dobrovská
Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic

Students´ Attitudes Towards AI in Teaching and Learning

„Technical innovations are hardly acceptable unless accepted by their users“. J. Biggs

Large-scale research explores students´ opinions on generative AI technologies, especially ChatGPT, and their use in teaching and learning. A total of 2346 undergraduates from 8 technical faculties provided their answers on following topics:

Familiarity and Usage

How familiar are students with GenAI technologies like ChatGPT? What is the prevalence and purpose of its use?

Pros and Cons

What are the potential pros and cons associated with using AI in teaching and learning?

Ethical Considerations

To what extent are ethical principles considered by students while using AI tools in education? Should universities set guidelines for ethical/unethical behaviors while using AI tools in education?

Teacher Perspectives

To what extent do the teachers believe AI technologies have potential to enhance teaching and learning? How open are the teachers to improving their understanding or skills regarding the use of AI technologies during teaching and learning?

The Speaker

Photo of Dana DobrovskáDana Dobrovska graduated in psychology from Charles University in Prague in 1973, earned her PhD there in 1986, and was appointed as an associate professor in 1996. Her entire career has been intertwined with the Czech Technical University in Prague, where she dedicated 50 years of service. She served as the head of the Institute of Engineering Pedagogy for two decades, during which she played a pivotal role in establishing a bachelor's degree program tailored for teachers with technical backgrounds. Actively engaged with the International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) since 1993, she held the position of the elective head of the International Monitoring Committee. Dobrovska has authored numerous publications on technical teacher education, with her primary research focusing on student academic instruction. Currently, her research interests lie in exploring the psychological dimensions of employing Al in teaching and learning contexts.

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Torsten Fransson
KTH Stockholm, Sweden

Educator-to-Educator collaboration in Higher Education: Possibility or Not Even Wished?

Present technologies offer unprecedented possibilities for global collaboration in Higher Education (and also for exchanges with Vocational Education and Training).

Traditional collaboration is to a very large extent directed towards harmonization of credits as well as student mobility. The highly successful Erasmus-Mundus Joint Master and Doctoral programs mostly also stops at exchange of credits. It is rather rare that educators from different universities commonly develop courses with the goal to improve the learning experiences of all students at their respective institutions.

The presentation focuses on a global concept in which educators join forces to co-create and reuse small peer- and student-reviewed digital global learning resources (up to 5 Estimated Learning Hours each), including remotely accessible labs as well as case studies and challenges, to build local courses and programs under the full responsibility of the local teacher while in collaboration with other teachers. A set of success stories related to the creation of academic programs in different countries are shown and analysed, and suggestions for enhanced further collaboration are put forward.

The Speaker

Photo of Torsten FranssonTorsten Fransson has been a pioneer towards establishing global learning in the energy area for over 30 years. His technical expertise has been aeroelasticity in turbomachines and in this capacity he developed a set of digital learning material, including remotely controlled laboratory experiments which students could perform globally. Apart from research projects in aeromechanics he has initiated and been responsible for a number of international educational projects related to life-long learning, Erasmus-Mundus Joint Master and Doctoral programs and Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. Presently he works towards realizing global collaboration within the concept “EXPLORE Energy Digital Academy” which today includes, via different Erasmus+ projects, an Educator-to-Educator collaboration of teachers from more than 42 universities in around 25 different countries.

Dr Fransson received his PhD at the EPF-Lausanne in Switzerland and was during 1990-2016 Professor and Chair of the Division of Heat and Power Technology at KTH, Sweden. He has published more than 300 articles related to aeromechanics and education, has received 4 “Best Papers of the Year” from the ASME/IGTI. He has received a Chévalier de L’Ordre National du Mérite, France, and the ASME Dedicated Service Award, USA. He is a member of the Royal Engineering Academy (IVA), Sweden, the Royal Physiographical Society, Sweden, a Fellow of ASME, USA , Dr Honoris Causa from The Open University, Sri Lanka, and has received the International Engineering Educator Honoris Causa, International Society for Engineering Education.

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Michael Milligan
ABET, Baltimore, MD, USA

Strengthening International Collaborations for a Sustainable Future

Collaboration among education providers, industry, government and nonprofit organizations is critical to solving the world’s most complex problems. This talk will focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals as examples of those challenges facing our world today, and how STEM educators can lead collaborative efforts to address them.

The Speaker

Photo of Michael MilliganMichael K. J. Milligan is the CEO of ABET, the global accreditor of 4,600+ college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and technology in 42 countries. Prior to joining ABET, Milligan was a systems director at the Aerospace Corporation, leading a team at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center developing the next generation environmental satellites for NOAA. Milligan served over 24 years as a career U.S. Air Force officer working in operations, engineering education, international R&D and technology acquisition. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and a MBA.

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Raivo Sell
TalTech, Estonia

Future Mobility: Challenges and Barriers

The Speaker

Photo of Raivo SellRaivo Sell received the Ph.D. degree in Product Development from Tallinn University of Technology in 2007. His research interest covers mobile robotics and self-driving vehicles, smart city and early design issues of mechatronic system design.

He is running Autonomous Vehicles research group at TalTech as a research group leader with strong experience and research background in mobile robotics and self-driving vehicles.

Raivo Sell has been visiting researcher in ETH Zürich, Aalto University and most recently at Florida Polytechnic University in the US. Recognized as a Chart Engineer and International Engineering Educator: ING-PAED IGIP he is an author of several books in the practical robotics and IoT and has been an educator of robotic teachers in vocational and higher education.

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Karin Wolff
Stellenbosch University, South Africa

A community of practice approach to engineering educator development

The pressure on engineering educators to prepare graduates for a complex world has increased significantly in the face of growing student numbers, resource constraints and technological developments. A recent study on the shift towards more holistic engineering graduates has revealed a need for greater attention to be paid to psycho-social attribute development. While there have been significant initiatives to support student learning through more interactive and collaborative strategies, such as problem and project-based learning, it is our engineering academics who need support to face the challenge and responsibility for developing our holistic engineering graduates. This talk will showcase an interactive, collaborative approach to the professional development of engineering educators. Drawing on the principles and practices from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) in relation to a number of institutional and national initiatives, I hope to illustrate the building of a national, research-informed community of practice who are better equipped to contribute to futureproofing engineering education for global responsibility.

The Speaker

Photo of Karin WolffA/Prof Karin Wolff has been in education for over two decades, and in engineering education since 2008. Her doctoral research (University of Cape Town) looked at the relationship between mathematics, physics and logic in complex engineering problem solving in the world of work. She draws on Social Realism, particularly Legitimation Code Theory, to analyse and design knowledge- and knower-building practices that enable the holistic development of both engineering graduates and educators. She is the Teaching & Learning Advisor in the Faculty of Engineering, Stellenbosch University, and president of the South African Society for Engineering Education ( Her research website and publications are available at:

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Preliminary Program

Preliminary Schedule

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Registration will be done through the ConfTool® Submission Server. The fee includes

  • Attendance to scientific sessions
  • Coffee and lunch breaks
  • 22% VAT

Bank charges

Please note that all bank charges are at the expense of the debitor.

Registration fees

ICL2024 – Author and Participant Registration Early Bird Fee
until 15 July 2024
Standard Fee
until 09 September 2024
Late Fee
after 09 September 2024
Author – Regular1,5 490 EUR N/A
Author – Members of IAOE, IGIP, IEEE, IELA1,5 450 EUR N/A N/A
Author – Low-income Countries1,2,5 300 EUR N/A N/A
Author – Student with ID1,3,4,5 300 EUR N/A N/A
Author – Remote Presentation (limited availability)1 300 EUR N/A N/A
Ukrainian Author – On-site presentation1,5 Free N/A N/A
Ukrainian Author – Remote presentation (limited availability)1 Free N/A N/A
Participant – Regular5 400 EUR 440 EUR 480 EUR
Participant – Low-income Country2,5 200 EUR 240 EUR 280 EUR
Participant – Student with ID4,5200 EUR 240 EUR 280 EUR
Additional Paper (max 2) 150 EUR N/A N/A
Gala Dinner (for on-site participation only) 79 EUR
Accompanying Person7 150 EUR
Workshops September 246 30 EUR

Registrations without full payment are not valid.
Only one paper is included with the registration. For more papers (max 2 additional ones, i.e. 3 in total), please select them in "Extra papers".

1 Includes one paper presentation, publication and indexing. The presenting author MUST register until 22 July 2024 to include the paper in the conference program.

2 Authors who work and live in low-income countries. For the list of low income countries:

3 Student fee for an author is applicable, if the paper was solely written by students, a confirmation about the student status from the university is necessary.

4 A student ID card is necessary at the registration desk.

5 Includes coffee breaks and lunch during conference program.

6 Access to workshops organized on September 24th, including coffee break

7 Includes only lunches and breaks from September 25th to 27th. This fee does not include the Gala Dinner.

Registration Cancellation Policy

  • All cancellations or changes must be sent in writing to the e-mail address: For applications received until 31/07/ 2024, the deposit will be returned, minus €50 administrative costs.
  • Cancellations received up to 20 /08/ 2024, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed.
  • No refund will be made for cancellations received after 21/08/ 2024 or registered participants who fail to attend.
  • No refunds will be made in case of cancelled sessions or program changes.
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General Chair

  • Michael E. Auer, CTI, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

ICL2024 Chair

  • Tiia Rüütmann, TalTech, Tallinn, Estonia

Honorary Advisors

  • Xavier Fougier, Dassault Systèmes, France
  • Hanno Hortsch, TU Dresden, Germany
  • Hans J. Hoyer, IFEES/GEDC General Secretary
  • Manuel Castro, UNED, Spain
  • Tiit Land, TalTech, Estonia

International Chairs

  • Samir El-Seoud, The British University in Egypt (Africa)
  • Xiao-Guang Yue, Wuhan, China (Asia)
  • Alexander Kist, University of Southern Queensland (Australia/Oceania)
  • David Guralnick, Kaleidoscope Learning New York, USA (North America)
  • Uriel Cukierman, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Argentina (Latin America)

Technical Program Chairs

  • Marika Olander, Estonia
  • Sebastian Schreiter, IAOE, France

Workshop and Tutorial Chair

  • Valerie Varney, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany

Special Sessions Chair

  • Raivo Sell, Estonia

Publication Chair and Web Master

  • Sebastian Schreiter, IAOE, France

Award Chair

  • Thomas Klinger, CUAS, Austria

Senior Program Committee Members

  • Eleonore Lickl, IGIP Vienna, Austria
  • Andreas Pester, The British University in Egypt
  • Herwig Rehatschek, Medical University Graz, Austria
  • Cornel Samoila, Romania
  • Thrasovolous Tssiatsos, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Doru Ursutiu, University of Brasov, Romania
  • Axel Zafoschnig, IGIP, Austria

Program Committee Members

  • Abdallah Al-Zoubi, Jordan
  • Ivar Annus, Estonia
  • Santi Caballé, Spain
  • Alberto Cardoso, Portugal
  • Dan Centea, Canada
  • Ralph Dreher, Germany
  • Martin Ebner, Austria
  • Christian Guetl, Austria
  • Hants Kipper, Estonia
  • Oleksandr Kupriyanov, Ukraine
  • Jorge Membrillo-Hernández, Mexico
  • Jürgen Mottok, Germany
  • Stavros Nikou, UK
  • Stamatios Papadakis, Greece
  • Rauno Pirinen, Finland
  • Neelakshi Chandrasena Premawardhena, Sri Lanka
  • Fjodor Sergejev, Estonia
  • Istvan Simonics, Hungary
  • Ivana Simonova, Czech Republic
  • Matthias Utesch, Germany
  • Hendrik Voll, Estonia
  • James Wolfer, USA

Local Organizing Committee

  • Marika Olander, Estonia
  • Eveliis Saar, Estonia
  • Kärt Kase, Estonia
  • Tiina Kasuk, Estonia
  • Ija Stõun, Estonia
  • Ragne Kalamees, Estonia
  • Kristo Karjust, Estonia
  • Raivo Sell, Estonia
  • Anne Uukkivi, Estonia
  • Oksana Labanova, Estonia
  • Igor Krupenski, Estonia
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Will be available in time. Please continue to check this website for updates.

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Gala Dinner

The Gala dinner will take place on 26 September 2024, at Seaplane Harbour Museum.
--> Address --> General information about the museum

Transfers will be provided from the conference hotels to the venue and back.

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