ICL2021 22-24 September 2021, TU Dresden and HTW Dresden, Germany

ICL2021 22-24 September 2021, TU Dresden and HTW Dresden, Germany

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Special sessions, held in parallel with the general conference, are an integral part of the conference. They provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to meet and present their work, and offer a forum for interaction among the broader community of technology-enhanced learning, and online engineering worldwide. Special sessions’ papers are required to meet the same standards as papers in the general conference and are published in the same conference proceedings.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest are in all areas of

  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Engineering Pedagogy
  • and similar to main conference topics.

Proposals must be submitted to our ConfTool Submission Server . Special Session papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the special session's program committee, and acceptance decisions will be made by the conference program co-chairs and Special Sessions Chair. Organizers of special sessions will work closely with the Special Sessions Chair, and are expected to respond promptly and communicate regularly in order to maximize the potential impact of the track.

Proposals must be made using the special session proposal template (including the necessary information, such as title, organizer(s), special session's program committee, etc.), which is available at http://icl-conference.org/current/documents/Special_Session_Proposal_Submission_Template.docx. If the proposal will be accepted, it will be used as basis for the call for special session papers.

A special session will include at least 5 papers and the review process is under the responsibility of the person organizing the special session (i.e. session chair). In that case, we offer a discount in the registration fee for one special session chair. Special session that fails to attract sufficient papers will be merged into the general conference or suitable alternative session.

Important Dates

26 Mar 2021Submission of
- structured abstracts (for full papers and short papers) for the main conference
- Special Session Proposals
22 Apr 2021- Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the main conference
- Special sessions notification and announcement
08 Jun 2021Submission of complete papers for special sessions and the main conference, Work in Progress, Posters, Roundtable or Panel Discussions, Workshops or Tutorials
25 Jun 2021Notification of Acceptance
23 Jul 2021Author Registration Deadline
23 Jul 2021Camera-ready due
22 Sep 2021Conference Opening

Important Dates

26 Mar 2021Submission of
- structured abstracts (for full papers and short papers) for the main conference
- Special Session Proposals
22 Apr 2021- Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the main conference
- Special sessions notification and announcement
08 Jun 2021Submission of complete papers for special sessions and the main conference, Work in Progress, Posters, Roundtable or Panel Discussions, Workshops or Tutorials
25 Jun 2021Notification of Acceptance
23 Jul 2021Author Registration Deadline
23 Jul 2021Camera-ready due
22 Sep 2021Conference Opening


CTI Office/Clearing house
Phone: +43(664)73621196
Mail: info@icl-conference.org

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